Locations and consultancy for your events
in the Tortona district, Milan

  • MILAN DESIGN WEEK 2025 Unframed Design

    Tortona Rocks is celebrating its tenth anniversary with Unframed Design, breaking the mould with the traditional exhibition format and removing predefined themes to focus on creative freedom. This time, visitors are invited to experience design spontaneously and on a personal level, turning uncertainty into an opportunity for discovery.
    The event does not propose ready-made answers, rather it fosters intuitive and authentic exploration, encouraging you to rediscover design as a form of creative expression with the capacity to entertain.


Our locations in the Tortona district are the perfect venues for hosting design, fashion, food and cultural events.
We provide tailormade services: from choosing the right location for your exhibition, right the way through to promotional initiatives and communication events.


Each of our locations has a story to tell, a past that can still be read in the structural details. These are redeveloped industrial spaces, the repositories of different layers of Zona Tortona's identity, a key to how it has been used over the years. Each space contains traces of its beginnings and original use with clues found in the names they have been given. These are not just containers; these spaces have their own identities.
Contact us to find the right one for you!

Opificio 31
Opificio 31MQ: 2900∇ via Tortona 31
Open Savona
Open SavonaMQ: 400∇ Via Savona
Location 1200mq
Location 1200mqMQ: 1200∇ via Tortona
Opificio 31-Showroom31
Opificio 31-Showroom31MQ: 550∇ Via Tortona 31
Opificio 31-Ponti
Opificio 31-PontiMQ: 450∇ Via Tortona 31
Opificio 31-Quattrocento
Opificio 31-QuattrocentoMQ: 380∇ Via Tortona 31
Opificio 31-Officine Cova
Opificio 31-Officine CovaMQ: 320∇ Via Tortona 31
Opificio31-LoftMQ: 300∇ Via Tortona 31
Opificio 31-Interspazio
Opificio 31-InterspazioMQ: 230∇ Via Tortona 31
Opificio 31-Textile
Opificio 31-TextileMQ: 275∇ Via Tortona 31